Apr 1, 2007

Cirque Du Soleil

Last night I went to Cirque du Soleil and it was amazing! (even though there were no monkeys) My friend, Leslie, and I bought tickets in February, so the anticipation had been building up for quite some time. The advantage to buying tickets early though is getting really good seats. We were only 6 rows back from the stage and just off to the side a little. It was fantastic!

The big top was set up outside the Olympic Stadium, it wasn't as big as I expected inside, but still cool. The show was called Quidam and the program says its about a nameless passerby, a solitary figure lingering on a street corner, a person rushing past, a person who lives lost amidst the crowd in an all-too-anonymous society. The plot is supposed to be abstract, so really it was more about the performances. There were young Chinese girls who did amazing tricks with wooden spools and rope. There was an acrobat who did all her tricks hanging from the ceiling, holding on to only a long silk cloth. There was a guy in a metal wheel who did really cool tricks. Then everyone came on and jumped rope, extreme jump rope. At one point there was a guy skipping with one rope, inside 3 other ropes turning at different times. There were even human statues. They moved really slow but did things that should have been impossible. The costumes, the make-up, everything, was surreal.

Outside the Big Top

Inside the Big Top

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you got to see Cirque du Soleil... and further confirm that I missed out on a truly awesome show. Damn.