Sep 20, 2007

An Epidemic of Fugly

I had no idea how much of a problem you in Canada were having. I mean, yes, I've seen it in Asia, too, but not to the extent that it is here. I'm talking about Crocs.
Since I got here about a month ago for my vacation I have seen every size and color imaginable. I understand the function of Crocs for gardening or mowing the lawn, but they are not formal footwear,. And if you think the 'MaryJane' style ones are dressy, you are wrong. And then to see fur lined winter Crocs... ridiculous.
The ugliness alone was enough for me to stay far, far away, but then I saw the price. Why would anyone in their right mind pay that much for styrofoam shoes!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Especially when you can get those hideously ugly shoes for 5 bucks here in Korea :)