Jul 17, 2007

Muddy Goodness

With another summer in Korea comes another chance to roll around in the mud. Last weekend was the annual Mud Festival at Daechon beach in Boryeong. Myself, Leslie & Thomas, and another couple from the Seoul campus took the bus with Adventure Korea.
After driving for about 4 hours the first stop was at the mud flats. When the tide is out the mud stretches about a mile. Everyone had to dress in military fatigues and jumping jacks and such. I did it last year, so passed on it this time. They don't really have a good place to wash up after, so I saved the mud for the real beach. In town there is huge beach and they bring in mud from the mud flats for people to play in.

Before we could hit the beach we had to check into our hotel. Worst Hotel Ever. It had no wall!!! Between us and the next room there was no wall. So the 5 of us slept on one side and 5 complete strangers slept on the other side. At least we had a bathroom on each side. Our roommates seemed cool until they came in drunk and 4:30 and woke us all up. We were up and left before they even woke up, and then on the bus they pretended to not know us. Jerks.

Anyway, aside from the hotel, it was really fun. We painted ourselves with mud and sat around in the sun letting it do its magic. My skin did seem softer after it was all washed off. Once it got late there was a fantastic fireworks show. It lasted probably between 7-10 minutes and was all set to music. They were the best fireworks I've ever seen.

Even the dogs got muddied-up. Well, the dog didn't look too pleased, but the lady made sure he was covered.

The quieter side of the beach.

Fireworks on the beach.

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